Promo Veritas - we help promoters sleep at night.

Prize Draws

Independent winner selection for complete consumer confidence

We seek to ensure that your promotions conform in both design and implementation to the Law,media regulations and the CAP Code.

Are your Prize Draws drawn by someone truly independent ?
Let PromoVeritas be the independent supervisor as required by the Code - that way you will know there will be no issues.

Do you know the correct procedures for handling promotional complaints?
We do, and we will help to ensure that you have appropriate processes in place.

Do you make available the appropriate information on winners upon request ?
We will prepare winners lists for you to make available.

We have a network of over 30 auditors nationwide. This enables us to conduct draws at your premises at short notice and with the minimum of travel cost and inconvenience. Alternatively you can supply us with the data and we will conduct the draw at our premises.

Either way the integrity of your promotion - and brand name - is maintained.